Health Medical

  • Four ways massage therapy can improve your health

    Have you thought about trying massage therapy but have been unsure about exactly what you can expect? Perhaps you know that a massage can help you relax but are unconvinced that there are many other benefits that come from enjoying a massage. The truth is that massage therapy is widely recommended by medical professionals because it is beneficial for your health in many ways. Here are four ways that you might not realise massage therapy can boost your health and help you feel better.
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  • Top Factors that Affect the Quality of Ultrasound Images

    As an ultrasound technician, you play a critical role in helping doctors, and other health professionals diagnose ailments in patients. Thanks to advancements in health equipment technology, ultrasound technicians can produce accurate and high-quality images. However, technicians should understand that some external factors can significantly affect the quality of ultrasound images despite the current technological solutions. As such, special attention should be given to these factors to prevent inaccuracies in patient diagnosis.
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  • A guide to bladder cancer

    Bladder cancer is an illness that causes the cells that the bladder is made from to multiply uncontrollably. Read on to learn more about bladder cancer and bladder cancer treatment. The symptoms of this form of cancer The most common symptom that people who have this disease notice is blood in their urine when they use the toilet. Occasionally those with bladder cancer may find that they feel the need to pass urine more often than they usually do.
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  • Take-Home Bleaching Treatments: Is More Bleach Better?

    After a discussion with your dentist about ways to whiten your teeth, you opted for a take-home bleaching treatment. After a couple of days, however, you may be a little disappointed with the results so far. You thought your teeth would look a lot whiter than they do. If you're really frustrated, you may be considering ignoring your dentist's rules on using the bleaching agent and trays. You've not had any problems so far so think this will be fine.
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  • Why You Should Prioritise Location When Choosing General Practitioner Jobs

    Entering the world of general practice is a rewarding way to serve a local community. In addition to building a strong relationship with your patients, you'll join a close-knit network of colleagues who'll act as your long-term support base. When choosing general practitioner jobs, you have lots of factors that will sway your decision. Before sifting through all of them, there are several reasons to focus on location. Your commute can make or break your development
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  • Helping Your GP Diagnose Your Problem

    If you're like most people, getting round to booking an appointment with your GP always seems to be something you're too busy to do, unless there's an urgent problem. Doctors are busy too, with a lot of patients to see in a day, so when you do find the time to see yours, it's important to make the visit count. Getting the right diagnosis for something that's been affecting you for a while is crucial if it's to be treated successfully.
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  • How Can a Chiropractor Help After a Car Accident?

    No one looks forward to getting into a car accident, but most people will experience some physical problems after being involved in one. Whether your vehicle merely veered off the road and landed in a ditch or it collided with another car, an accident never leaves you the same. You may start experiencing some pain and tension in your muscles, even after seeking medical treatment after the crash. If you are in such a position, it is crucial to consider chiropractic treatment for your car accident injuries.
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  • The Two Top Tips to Avoid Diabetic Foot Problems

    As a diabetes sufferer, you have an increased chance of experiencing foot issues over time. Untreated foot issues could lead to serious consequences -- possibly even amputation of part or all of the foot. However, there's no reason that you have to deal with this if you're vigilant about proper foot care. There are a couple of key things that you can do to protect your feet and avoid diabetic foot complications.
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  • Three Diseases You Could Prevent with Asbestos Testing

    With around one-third of Australian homes containing asbestos building materials, many people come into contact with it throughout their lives. Asbestos begins to cause a risk when it's not properly contained, or when the materials containing it are disturbed or damaged. If you suspect your home or work environment requires asbestos testing, you may want to know more about the diseases this material causes. Asbestosis  Workers who face exposure to asbestos for many years may find that the small fibres coming into contact with their lungs cause scarring.
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  • Preparing for a vaginal birth after caesarian (VBAC)

    Many women who have had a previous caesarian section are eager to try and have a vaginal birth (VBAC) with their next birth, in order to limit the long recovery time and additional risks associated with a caesarian. Here are some steps you can take to make sure you maximise your chances of a successful VBAC.  Find a supportive obstetrician Some obstetricians are not eager to perform VBACs as they feel that there is an additional risk of uterine rupture.
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