Typical Gynaecological Problems You Should Be Aware Of

Posted on: 19 December 2018


Gynaecological problems refer to any conditions that affect a woman's reproductive system. While this is usually associated with the vagina, it encompasses everything from the breasts, the uterus and the genitalia. The thing about gynaecological issues is that almost every woman will go through at least one of them in her lifetime. Thus, it is vital for every woman to know what the are conditions that she could be susceptible to developing, as well as ascertain when she will need medical attention from a gynaecologist. Failure to do so can lead to infertility issues and even pose a serious threat to your life. Below is a brief list of typical gynaecological problems that you should be aware of.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding

While vaginal bleeding is something every woman has to contend with monthly, it is also important to be wary of any bleeding that seems out of the ordinary. When abnormal vaginal bleeding is caught early, it gives your gynaecologist the chance to diagnose the cause immediately and treat it the best way that they can. Long-term bleeding, on the other hand, can be indicative of some strains of cancer, which is a serious threat to your life. Not to mention that abnormal vaginal bleeding could also cause infertility if not remedied in time. Therefore, once you notice this condition, you should see a gynaecologist immediately.


Fibroids refer to benign tumours that form in the uterus. However, most women do not get alarmed about fibroids since they are not cancerous. While a majority of women can develop asymptomatic fibroids, some people will end up suffering from severe pain, particularly during their period. And even when the fibroids are asymptomatic, it is imperative to have a gynaecological check annually so that their development does not increase your chances of a miscarriage if you do have them. Some of the symptoms to be wary of include heavy menstruation, painful intercourse and recurrent miscarriages. Fibroids can be taken out surgically, but this will largely depend on how severe they are affecting your overall health.


The most prominent misconception people have about endometriosis is that it is merely a painful period, but the pain caused by endometriosis is not the same as that of menstrual cramps. This condition develops when your endometrial cells start to grow on organs it should not be such as your fallopian tubes, muscle lining of your uterus or even on your ovaries. Once diagnosed with endometriosis, your gynaecologist will prescribe pain medications and perhaps hormonal therapy too.