Preparing For Prostate Surgery: All You Need to Know

Posted on: 20 September 2021


Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men, especially in older men. Generally, a doctor or urologist may recommend prostate surgery depending on the severity and type of cancer. For instance, prostatectomy is a common type of prostate surgery for treating localised prostate cancer. It entails removing cancerous tumours from the prostate gland, preventing them from spreading to other body parts. Preparation for such procedures is always crucial because it helps reduce complications during surgery and plays a vital role in your post-operation healing. Generally, a urologist or doctor will provide specific instructions on the best way to prepare for the procedure. However, knowing your role beforehand is equally essential. With that in mind, here are some crucial aspects of prostate cancer surgery preparation you need to know.


Your diet will always play a pivotal role when it comes to medical treatments. Therefore, it's crucial to watch what you eat and drink when preparing for your prostatectomy. Like many surgeries, you may need to fast or minimise your food consumption a day or so before your prostatectomy. In some cases, you may receive medication to help empty your bowels.

Clearing your bowels is crucial, especially when your surgery requires general anaesthesia. That's because the anaesthesia may hinder your body's ability to keep the foods and stomach acids from reaching and affecting other body parts like your lungs.


Are you on any medications? It's imperative to tell your doctor about all the medications you currently use. That's because some medications may affect your surgery. For instance, bleeding is among the common prostate surgery risks. Therefore, you may be required to stop any thinning medications a few days before your surgery. In addition, medications like herbal supplements and over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen may affect your blood pressure, increasing bleeding risks. Therefore, you should talk to your doctor about your current medications. They will advise you on whether to stop, change, or continue with the medications.

Alcohol And Smoking

If you take alcohol or smoke, it would be best to stop or reduce consumption before your surgery because such substances can significantly impact your post-operative healing. Bleeding, infections, and other complications during surgery, and delayed healing are some of the issues that may result from alcohol consumption and smoking. Depending on how much you drink or smoke regularly, your doctor may recommend medications to alleviate any complications. Therefore, be open to them regarding your alcohol consumption.